Houthis’ Attacks in the Red Sea and rising international Concerns

World’s weary but Houthis not stopping.
Houthis operate with impunity and claim that targeted 112 Israeli, US, and UK ships since November 2023. Despite all efforts by US led coalition, MSC Diego and the MSC Gina were attacked with ballistic missiles and drones in the Gulf of Aden on 9 May. US Central Command said that a coalition warplane destroyed a drone launched by the Houthis on 12 May, while 3 drones failed to reach their objectives on 13 May.
US and the UK have been trying to degrade Houthi mobile missile sites, but as recently as last week the Houthis said they planned to expand the scope of attacks, and traffic volumes remain relatively low at 40- 50% of those in the same period of last year.
United States has called on Iran to halt its transfer of an “unprecedented” amount of weaponry to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, enabling their fighters to carry out “reckless attacks” on ships in the Red Sea and elsewhere.#unitedstates #yemen #israel
#redsea #houthis #unitedkingdom #houthis#drone #uk #ansarallah #shipping #MSC #china #houthirebels #gaza #palestine #hamas #redsea #ship #turkey #russia #australia #missile #ballisticmissile

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