What is Drone Washing? [NEW INDUSTRY 2023]

Drone Washing
What is drone washing? Pressure Washing Drone? Window cleaning drone?
The Future of Cleaning is Now: Drones for cleaning tall structures.
Check out our website: https://bit.ly/LibertyDrones

If you are interested in having your building cleaned with drones or would like to chat feel free to book a 30 minute meeting at my Calendly: www.calendly.com/libertydrones

This video is a quick overview of what drone washing is, a look at how buildings are conventionally cleaned, and a look at the first four major manufacturers of this technology.

Our company Website: https://bit.ly/LibertyDrones

You can view mentioned companies websites here:

Lucid Drones: https://bit.ly/LucidDrones

Aquiline Drones: https://bit.ly/AquilineDrones

Aeras: https://bit.ly/AerasFog

KTV: https://ktvworkingdrone.com/

Drone washing:

1. Save Time and Money
2. Safer Work Environment
3. Increased Accuracy
4. Reduce environmental impact
5. Longer lasting results
6. Clean faster than traditional methods

Notice: This is an informational video without bias purely meant to educate the viewer on the emerging drone washing industry.

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