How to Take Your Drone on a Plane! (not snakes) Holiday Travel Advice!

Hey everyone! With the summer fast approaching and restrictions being lifted, more and more people are booking trips away and we have been asked many times recently about whether or not you can take your drone with you on a plane. In today’s video, we give you some essential guidance on how to prepare for your trip with your drone and ensure a smooth journey!

To find out more about flying your drone in the EU, watch our video here:


You can follow Geeksvana on the following social media as well:

Twitter: @geeksvana –
Instagram: @geeksvana –

If you have any questions or just want to reach out and say hey! My name is Sean, come and talk to me! [email protected]


Thank you to our channel partners, who help to make all this possible:
Drone Masterclass – for all your drone training needs. Book your A2 CofC or GVC now:


#TravelAdvice #DronesOnPlane #Geeksvana

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